February 21, 2025

Utah Couple Fights for the Rights of the American Taxpayer
“Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath IRS”

Have trillions of dollars in income tax paid by the American public over decades been UN- Constitutional?

That is what Ken & Barbara Cromar say, and they have sacrificed their very freedom for the cause.

Ken Cromar cites Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the US Constitution, which states, “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect taxes, . . . but all Duties, Imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.” And Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4 states that “No . . . direct, Tax shall be laid unless in Proportion to the Census . . . .”

All nine Supreme Court Justices have agreed that the only federal income tax allowed is an “indirect unapportioned income tax.” But this is not what the IRS has been enforcing; they fraudulently claim the 16th Amendment allows for a “direct non-apportioned income tax.”

When applied constitutionally, the word "apportioned" means that the federal government is authorized to require from each state a portion of the federal budget each year, based on the state's population according to the last census. But then each state's government is to collect the money from its own population.

For example, if CA had 10 percent of the nation's population, their portion of a 1-trillion-dollar federal budget would equal 100 billion dollars. Can you see how wise our Founding Fathers were? This incentivizes states to fight for the lowest possible federal budget. Can you see how this would naturally eliminate the "fraud, waste, and abuse" that DOGE has been exposing in the last few days?

Simply stated, what this all means is that the IRS has no authority to directly tax individual Americans for their labor. Wouldn't that be wonderful?!

This statement by SCOTUS raises legitimate legal questions on the validity of whether the forms of income taxes paid by Americans for decades have been legal.

Cromar states, “Barbara and I have sacrificed everything we have in the world—our freedom, our home, many of our friendships, and our church associations, to be the torchbearers for this seminal cause. We as Americans must stand up and fight for our sacred rights protected by the Constitution. If we don't, the very foundation and bedrock of America is threatened.”

Cromar further states, “Barbara and I have been politically persecuted for standing up to the limitless power of the IRS, we have been wrongfully convicted of 'tax crimes' we never committed, and I have been imprisoned, all because we want for us, our children and grandchildren, and all our fellow Americans to have our Constitutional rights respected and protected, especially when it comes to taxes.”

Cromar says, “Barbara and I hope that the Trump administration and President Trump, whom we feel has been a victim of this same type of 'government weaponization' and 'lawfare,' would consider a Presidential Pardon for us in our 'Barbie & Ken vs. Goliath IRS' battle, so we can continue the fight for tax reform and champion the cause on behalf of the Constitution and all Americans.”

The Cromars are 30-year residents of Cedar Hills, Utah, have been married for 40 years, and have 7 children and 11 grandchildren. Ken served as a Cedar Hills City Councilman (July 1994 to Jan. 2000) and has vigorously exposed city corruption, which may have led to a weaponized IRS attack on the Cromars via an anonymous whistleblower. We pray we are pardoned and returned to our home soon.

In January 2018, a weaponized IRS was unleashed on a Cedar Hills, Utah family, and the lawsuit USA vs. Paul Kenneth Cromar and Barbara Ann Cromar (2:17-cv-01223-RJS) was filed, in which it was falsely claimed that the Cromars owed $1,053,028.65 in federal income tax from 1998 to 2005. Without so much as a hearing before Chief Judge Robert J. Shelby, let alone a trial to prove the claim, the IRS violated the Cromars' rights, and on June 25, 2019, sent in a US Marshal-led SWAT of 13 with weapons drawn and kicked them out of their house, making them homeless, without due process of law.

When the bidder at the IRS auction for the house failed to make the payment within 30 days, the Cromars moved back into their own home on April 23, 2020, which was still listed on the Utah County record in their name. The Cromars used multiple lawful means to protect their home and property, including registering their Land Patent. (Land patents are backed by 180 years of numerous unanimous Supreme Court decisions, and no SCOTUS Justice has ever voted against them). However, an illegal follow-up sale of the Cromars' home was conducted by IRS agent Gary Chapman, done in direct violation of USC 28, section 2001 and court order.

Five months after moving back into their home, the Cromars were hit on September 24th, 2020, with a multi-jurisdictional paramilitary 75-man SWAT, which included 2 helicopters, 2 MRAPS (tanks), and multiple snipers, all to remove the Cromars from their home of almost 30 years, when all the government had to do was knock on the door and present a lawful warrant. Then, the State of Utah criminally prosecuted the Cromars for “burglary” of their own home and convicted them, while denying them their Constitutionally guaranteed (6th Amendment) choice of assistance of counsel, Eugene Paul Richardson, because he is not a “state licensed BAR attorney.” The state also granted the prosecution's motion to label the Cromars as “vexatious litigants,” blocking all their court filings and critical preparation during the 9 months leading up to the June 27, 2022 trial, including Constitutionally guaranteed subpoenas compelling witnesses to testify (6th Amendment), including then IRS Commissioner of the IRS Charles Rettig.

On April 19, 2023, federal prosecutors sought a secret grand jury sealed indictment against Ken, who again defended himself when his Constitutionally protected right to assistance of counsel was denied.

During trial in federal case 2:24-cr-00l59-HCN-DBP, Ken cross-examined the US attorneys' two veteran IRS star witnesses: 22-year-agent and “expert witness” John Jensen (of SLC) and 38-year-agent John Joseph (of Denver), and asked them both, “Can you point to the law that requires me to file federal income tax returns?” Under oath to tell the truth, neither IRS agent could do so. Both admitted they couldn't identify the law that requires Ken (or anyone) to file federal income taxes.

During the 8-day trial, from May 21 to 31, 2024, when Ken stood without help, alone against a US attorney team of 4, a sympathetic jury deliberated for 3 days, and Ken won one count of “NOT guilty” but lost on two counts because of factually incorrect jury instructions by Judge Howard C. Neilson, Jr., who incorrectly declared “ALL U.S. Citizens and residents” are required to pay federal income taxes, which insured conviction because the jurists were sworn in to follow the judge's interpretations of “the law.”

Then, December 23, 2024, this same judge decided to “make an example” of Ken and sentenced him to seven years in federal prison, despite being challenged by Cromar regarding the SUPREME COURT's newest IRS ruling in Moore vs. US (June 20, 2024) that came out just days after the jury verdict and which provided a never-before-seen, comprehensive historical overview of the federal income tax, from America's founding to the present date, documenting what it is and what it isn't. All nine SCOTUS justices agreed that there has NOT been a constitutionally authorized “direct apportioned income tax” since the Civil War and that the 16th Amendment does NOT allow for a “direct non-apportioned federal income tax” as fraudulently claimed by the IRS for the last 60 years!

Additionally, JUSTICE and due process of law was denied Ken Cromar in the federal case, which violated constitutional protections and 14th Amendment right to due process of law. He was

• DENIED the right to subpoenas to compel witnesses to testify in his favor
    (violation of the 6th Amendment)

• DENIED the right to assistance of counsel of choice because he was not a “licensed BAR attorney”
    (violation of the 6th Amendment)

• DENIED the right to access “papers and effects” on his laptop needed for defense
    (violation of the 4th Amendment)

• DENIED the right to require testimony from the IRS lead investigator, though he was in court the entire trial, and denied the right to require testimony of three critical witnesses (unindicted coconspirators), two who left the country and one who left because his “mother was gravely ill” on her deathbed
    (violation of the 6th Amendment)

Barbie and Ken are innocent! The federal and state judges were duped by the IRS into allowing an unlawful prosecution of the Cromars and convicted them of breaking “laws” they did not break and which were falsely applied, resulting in terrorizing and stealing trillions of dollars from working Americans for decades while enriching the privately owned “Federal Reserve,” bankrupting the nation, and enslaving We the People. But thanks to “Barbie’s & Ken's” courageous stand and eminent victory over “Goliath IRS,” the giant is now falling!

It's time to awaken this nation and expose the fraud and deceit imposed by the IRS's fraudulent application of the 16th Amendment and their domestic terrorism and set Americans free! It's time to return to funding the federal government as was Constitutionally and successfully done for the first 100+ years of our history with Imposts, Duties and Excise taxes, which provided all the money that legitimate government needed. Audit the Fed and IRS! (President Trump's new “ERS”—External Revenue Service—is the first step in returning to the proper Constitutional funding our wise Founding Fathers gave us.)

As Moses told Pharaoh, “Thus saith the Lord God, Let my People go, that they may serve me."
(Exodus 10:3)


Paul Kenneth Cromar
Federal Prisoner #13871081
Nevada Southern Detention Center
2190 East Mesquite Ave.
Pahrump, NV 89060

P.S. Watch for the upcoming petition.